Spring Landscape Check List
/Here are some recommendations for preparing your landscape for the active growing season.
If the ground is not frozen, begin weed removal.
Tune up small engines. If you did not properly prepare your mower, hedger or edger for the winter, you may want to bring these into a small engine repair shop. A general tune up may be done at home, but leave rebuilding the carburetor to the pros.
Cut back any remaining perennials or grasses. Shape summer flowering shrubs.
Schedule for a licensed landscape contractor to activate your irrigation system. The system should be careful checked; repairs and adjustments made.
Fertilize trees, shrubs, perennials and lawn
Now is a good time to dethatch the lawn if it needs it. The lawn should be actively growing. If the lawn feels spongy and there is a thick layer of dead grass below the fresh blades, you should dethatch. This allows for improved intake of moisture and nutrients.
Memorial Day is our typical “safe time” to plant annual pots and borders.
Spring flowering shrubs can usually be pruned now. “Prune After Bloom” applies to Forsythia, Lilac and Quince to name a few.