North of South Landscapes can assure you are headed in the right direction with a thorough plan to reach your landscape goals.
Construction minded landscape plans specializing in plants with interest in each season, efficient irrigation, and creative lighting to put your yard on the map.
Whether you are in need of complete landscape plans for a new home or a modest front yard renovation to boost curb appeal, we can provide a wide range of services that will ensure you fully understand and are excited about how your exterior spaces will complement your home.
Thoughtful irrigation design to accommodate the long term needs of your plants. We utilize hydro-zoning and efficient components to deliver the water needed in a way that our soils can absorb it.
Low voltage lighting is another way to extend the time you spend in your landscape. Safe navigation, dramatic effects and illumination for tasks are a few reasons to add lights. Today's broad assortment of fixture styles, lamp colors and brightness are a welcome addition to any landscape.